Japanese National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) states BPA does not pose any unacceptable risk to health: In its most recent comprehensive BPA risk assessment completed in 2011, the Japanese National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology concluded that “the risk of BPA with regard to human health was believed to be very small.” This conclusion is consistent with AIST’s previous 2005 BPA risk assessment, as well as with the many other agencies that have reviewed the science on BPA. Along with many other new studies, AIST specifically incorporated results from new research conducted by FDA to answer key questions and clarify uncertainties about BPA. Also of note, in its 2011 assessment, the data uncertainty factor was reduced to 25 as compared to 100 in the previous assessment, indicating higher confidence in the scientific data supporting the 2011 conclusion. To learn more about the AIST risk assessment, please click here.